We did it again! Giarte ITX Monitor 2022

Once again proclaimed as best scoring Managed Service provider in the Giarte ITX monitor 2022. For our customers this means we will continue doing our very best to make their world smarter. In the Giarte IT Xperience-model, IT-companies are evaluated on customer experience through several measures. This article explains which measures these are and how BPSOLUTIONS performs, according to our own customers.


Customer Delight score

Result: 88 (versus 78 market average)

The Customer Delight Score represents how delighted customers are with their IT-partner. The score is based on an evaluation of trust, expectations and recommendation. Within these categories customer focus and competencies are crucial, factors BPSOLUTIONS exceeds in. Our customers rank us especially high on recommendation with a score of 92 points.


Customer Fan score

Result: 100%

A relatively new part in the ITX monitor is the Fan Score. Coming from the Customer Delight score, it shows the percentage of customers who answer ‘Yes’ on the recommendation question. As the only company in the entire monitor, BPSOLUTIONS scores the maximum score, meaning all our customers would recommend us.

Competencies score

Result: 91 (versus 78 market average)

Within the IT landscape, competencies are essential in a relationship to be able to help clients appropriately. The quality of collaborations between IT companies and their customers is evaluated by four conditions: ability, zero repeat, reliability and continuous improvement. The biggest capability of those four is ability, on which we score 95. Besides, the overall Competencies score of BPSOLUTIONS is the highest of all medium-size companies.


Customer focus score

Result: 88 (versus 78 market average)

Finally the ITX monitor researches customer focus. One of the major differentiators with the IT landscape. The level of customer focus is determined by investigating six indicators: communication, empathy, willingness, transparency, interests and adaptability. Overall BPSOLUTIONS outperforms the market and especially accelerates in ‘willingness’.



If you would like to read more about the results of the Giarte ITX study: https://itx.giarte.com/jaarboeken/jaarboek-2022


The results of the ITX monitor affirm the attention BPSOLUTIONS has for its customers. The strong relationship in which this results, is of the most important for a Managed Service provider and enables us to deal immediately with challenges our customers face. This way we contribute to making the world a smarter place.

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